For authors

Submission guidelines

RJLH is a forum for legal historians, including all historical periods, fields of law and regions, but with a special focus on Central European and Eastern European legal history.

To submit an article, please use the system provided by this site, or alternatively, you can send your article by email.

RJLH accepts articles written in English and Romanian.

By submitting an article to RJLH, you declare and accept that the text has not already been published or acceted for publication elsewhere; that the article is prepared independently; that all sources used are properly cited; all quotations are appropriately indicated; that your consent to an originality check by the editorial team using software developed for this purpose.

All articles are published under a CC BY-ND license.

RJLH collects neither article submission charges or article processing charges: authors incur no fees for the submission or processing of their work.

Character limits for contributions: 50 000 characters with spaces for articles, 15 000 characters including spaces for book reviews.


RJLH endorses and follows the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Submission deadlines

The journal is published in two issues per year. The deadline for the submission of articles and book reviews is the end of February for the first issue, and the end of September for the second issue.

Peer review

Every manuscript undergoes a pre-check regarding its general suitability. Those that make it into the following evaluation round will be submitted for anonymous peer review. Authors will usually be informed of the result (accepted, rejected, revise and resubmit) within two months.


We accept only contributions that are ready for publication. All submissions accepted for publication undergo our editing process. The editors reserve the right to amend the language and the content of the work, in consultation with the author when appropriate. The author will receive a galley proof of the piece as a PDF file prior to publication, at which point only minor changes can still be integrated. No major changes will be possible once the text has been initially typeset.

Abstracts and keywords

All articles must include an abstract in English not exceeding 1700 characters including spaces, and 5–7 keywords.

Titles and subtitles

Please use titles with Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV etc.), and subtitles with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4 etc.). The numbering of subtitles restarts at 1 in each title. Subheadings up to the second order (1.1, 1.2 etc.) are admissible.


Use typographic (curly) double quotation marks (“…”) for literal quotations and typographic single quotation marks (‘…’) for quotations within quotations. In quotations, indicate omissions as follows: […].

Please use footnotes, endnotes are not accepted. Footnote signals should come after punctuation. The footnote signal comes before the dash (—).

Cite monographs as follows:

Douglas Morris (2020): Legal Sabotage. Ernst Fraenkel in Hitler's Germany, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 171.

Second occurrence: Morris (2020): p. 184.

Cite edited books as follows:

Marina Gazzini (2020): Guilds and Mutual Support in Medieval Italy, in Phillip Hellwege (ed.): Professional Guilds and the History of Insurance - A Comparative Analysis, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, p. 167.

Second occurrence: Gazzini (2020): p. 168.

Cite articles as follows:

Emőd Veress: Post-Communist Restitution of the Nationalized Reformed and Roman Catholic Church Property in Romania, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Legal Studies, 1/2018, pp. 109–121, p. 111.

Second occurrence: Veress (2018): p. 117.

Multiple publications by the same author from the same year are designated with lower-case letters after the publication date:

Morris (2020a)...

Morris (2020b)...

Please don’t use Ibidem or Idem and their abbreviation in the footnotes.

Distinguish one from the other

The hyphen (-) is used to join words or parts of words. (for example: self-restraint, book-loving).

The en dash (–) is used to indicate spans of time or ranges of numbers (for example: pages 112–169 or the 1848–1849 school year).

The em dash (—) is used to set off parenthetical information (for example: The Treaty of Paris of 1856—which brought an end to the Crimean War—is presented objectively in all of the works mentioned).


Please emphasise any text with italics, not bold or underlined.